Saturday 6th April I hosted my first event for a range of women. As in not just for single women, but all women. It was called She Doesn't Understand. At the end of 2018 God gave me a word, well two. It was 'unchartered territory’, I didn’t know quite what it meant but I knew things would change. Fast forward a month into 2019 and God starts telling me about an event for all women. Married, engaged, single and all that is in between. The thought of planning an event for married women scared me.
What did I have to say to married women? I was the single one, what did I have to say to them?
But the question was not what did I have to say, but what did GOD have to say? As cliche as it sounds, it really had nothing to do with me. All God needed was my obedience. He told me how intimate He wanted it to be. He laid on my heart who He wanted on the panel, who He wanted to cater and how the day would start. No, not with icebreakers, but with worship.
Despite that, I still faced many challenges. I had issues with finding a suitable venue. I spent days talking to various site managers to just find out that the venue wasn’t even available on the specific date. Or realising that dry hire, means EXACTLY just that.
Then when I found one, I kept looking for reasons why it wasn’t suitable. (that sounds like a sermon).
Due to the vision I had, I had to hire extra furniture, which presented it’s own challenges.
But through it all, God was FAITHFUL. When I surrendered it to Him, He ordered my every step.
The whole day I spent in awe of God, because I actually didn’t contribute much to the discussions or the wisdom that was dropped. I simply coordinated the one to one questions with the panellists. But really the panellists really spoke to the hearts of the women who were there. God clearly had a plan and all He needed was vessel.
Can I encourage you?
You may feel unqualified or the ‘unlikely candidate’ for what you believe God has placed in your heart. But can I ask, why not you? What makes the next person better than you? I find that we are so quick to discredit ourselves before we have even began. Four months of twenty nineteen has gone already; now is as good a time as any.
If God is telling you go, you better go sis, there is nothing more painful than watching someone else do what God told you to do before.

Before I go, just a few tips to practically help you:
Write it down, write the vision and make it plain - don't over complicate it, write down what you feel you are being told about and DATE it.
Pray about it alone first - it can be dangerous sharing your vision without cementing it in prayer. Cover it first, this is your baby, don't be over zealous to share until you and God have discussed it first. That way, even when doubts come, you've rooted it in the word of God.
Budget and plan - if there are costs, make a record of them. I find this most difficult and quite intimidating. I noted down and prayed for an amount I wanted from sponsorship to help me run the event. God gave me more! He is faithful. He is a provider.
Speak life and enjoy the process - for the first time, I gave myself plenty of time to plan #SDU which led me to really enjoy the planning process. I was relieved when it was over, but I did miss it...small.
Feel free to comment below, what is God telling you to do and enjoy some of the highlights of the day.
Building a community, one conversation at a time