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From sharing the Faith to keeping the Faith

Hi everyone, it has definitely been a while. Our current situation in #lockdown has definitely been a range mixed of emotions and I have experienced a whirlwind of them, from feeling:

overwhelmed, driven, insecure, hungry, lonely, frustrated, overfed, but definitely I have felt LOVED and BLESSED!

But I am so grateful that He has never left me. I made a decision earlier this year not to internalize (in-ter-na-lize, verb; to overthink how I feel and leave things to fester until I explode) my thoughts but simply address how I was feeling and question every thought and emotion until the got to bottom of the matter. Sometimes, I just need to pray, no analysis needed, but a simple cry out to God, "LORD I NEED YOU!" Perhaps you can relate? These times are definitely uncertain, but our God is a ROCK.

Psalm 18:31 "For who is God, except the Lord? And who is a rock, except our God?"

Despite what this season has brought you, the Lord our God sees you, His eye is on you. And so Father in Heaven, I pray for Your Spirit to encourage your children, those who are confident in Your love and those who feel shaken and lost, guide them in Your perfect truth and show Yourself to be strong in their lives. In Jesus' name we pray!


Over the on the 'gram I've got some content to help with sharing your faith to keeping the faith.

1) I had a great conversation with Jason Smith about evangelism. Whilst we may not be all evangelists, we are called to EVANGELISE! Romans 10:17 tells us clearly that faith comes by hearing the word of God

2) Top tips for sharing the Gospel:

a) Don't over emphasise one point, Jesus loves you, isn't the gospel, it is the motivation. The Cross is the demonstration.

b) If it's written, like a caption or message, keep it short and simple.

c) Finally, show an interest to the people you were witnessing to. Find out lovingly, why they believe what they believe.

Secondly, if like me you have wondered on how earth will you meet Mister Man being lockdown in your house and I know I am not the only one! I had a great conversation with Janet of Ascribe culture about Singleness in this season especially over being 30. Definitely check it out but here is a snippet of the interview....

That's all, for now, folks, but until then stay safe, wash your hands, and stay prayed up!

Much Love


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